The Work of Therapy

I work predominantly with folks in the LGBTQ+ community navigate feelings and experiences of overwhelm, uncertainty, burn out, shame, and low self-esteem.

My clients and I face these struggles together in a collaborative, therapeutic alliance. Despite their tenacity, creativity, humor, and deep compassion for a better world they remained feeling disconnected and insecure.

When they first come in, they are depleted, isolated, or full of self-hate. Fostering a sense of self-compassion or a secure relationship with Self seems unfathomable at first.

They were raised believing that you’re not allowed to feel too good. They would instead shrink certain aspects of themselves and their likes or interests.

They worry that if they risk moving towards their wants and desires it would mean loss and regret. They fear feeling powerful in what makes them unique and different.

Before they came to see me, they worried feeling uncertain, lost, and low-energy was just the way things are. They worried being isolated and alone would last forever. And they were pretty certain they would always have a sense that something was missing.

They come to learn that their sexual/erotic selves are as important as all other parts of themselves. We work to embrace and shine on all aspects of who we are, and in doing so we find that our “shadows” are our strongest gifts.

Like my clients, you deserve to feel connected and joyful in your body, and in your relationships.

Ending each day feeling safe, restored, and hopeful is not out of reach.

It can be scary moving towards our desires. It means change is underway. If you are feeling ready to feel more fully embodied I would love to help you get there.

Each of us is allowed to take risks. Reach out to set up a free consult. 

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